Fleece blankets are extremely soft and offer the gift of warmth and comfort! We find fleece blankets are both fairly inexpensive to purchase and/or are fun to make. Why not make one for yourself and make one to donate!
There are several easy patterns online with step by step instructions on how to make a knotted fleece blanket, however below is a pretty basic overview you might find helpful as a guide. What size is the best? Any and all sizes are best! Your blankets are donated to children, teenagers and at times adults who are in our Foster Care and Adopted Family Program…so every size is needed! If you have never made a fleece knotted blanket, below are some instructions you might use...or simply google fleece knotted blanket...there are plenty of tips and instructions on line to help you get started!
Begin by selecting both a printed fleece and matching solid fleece . You will need a solid and a print that are the same size.
Line up the two fabrics and trim the two pieces (if necessary) so that they are the same size.
3. Cut a 5-inch square from each of the four corners. 4. Cut 4” fringe on all four sides of the blanket. Cut through both layers of fabric at the same time. Fringe pieces should be a approximately 1” wide. The closer to the same size the better, however, no worries if they do not completely match all around. 5. Leave your blanket laying flat on the surface, with all fringes lined up. Take one one of the 1" fringe cuts and tie them just like you would if tying off a balloon. The knots should be snug against the blanet and the fringe of about 3 inches will remain. 6. Tie knots in all the fringes all the way around the blanket until you are Finished!
Tip: If your blanket is square (all four sides the same length) you can turn the top so that the stretch goes in the opposite direction of the stretch on the bottom piece. This gives a more stable blanket.